I’ve been thinking about the creative process a lot recently and I’ve also been reading about Carl Jung’s interpretation of the ancient art of alchemy. It seems that there are a lot of similarities in dedicating yourself to a craft and the self-transformation of the alchemists.
Carl Jung believed that although ostensibly alchemy was seen as a process of trying to turn base metals like lead into gold through the use of early chemistry, in fact, it was often more about the transformation of the self. By giving oneself totally to a goal and practice that required patience, faith and dogged persistence the alchemists themselves became changed. It was a way of integrating the different aspects of the self and achieving an individuated whole. Literally transforming the individual from lead into gold.
I think jewellery making is similar. As I approach ten years of creating handmade jewellery, I feel myself changing in the way I conduct the process. It may sound corny but I feel like I have become one with my creations. They exist in my mind for weeks before I start, they become more than the physical object, they are also imbued with the philosophies I’ve been thinking about, the books I’ve been reading and my walks in nature. All feed into the creative process and when it comes to making the piece, it feels like a reciprocal effort, one in which I respond to the needs of the piece as much as just enforcing my will upon it. This is the alchemy of jewellery making.
Furthermore, I have learned so many lessons from the process itself. I have learned the importance of presence. When I become distracted or fatigued, I make frustrating mistakes that lose me hours of work. I have learned to iron out problems straight away rather than letting them amass into something that later becomes unworkable. I have learned that shortcuts rarely pay off and to say no to things that are out of my skill set. All of these lessons play into who I have become and have also helped me as I’ve become a husband and a father.
I think this is the beauty of the creative process. The older I get the more I learn that creativity is deeply entwined with positive mental health. A life lacking creativity in some form is a flat and lifeless one for me.
I think we are all deeply creative, it just expresses itself differently in different people. For some it may be building an engine in a car, for others it can be planting a garden or writing a novel but I think fundamentally, on some level, we all exist to create. Our culture with all its demands, responsibilities and distractions can make it very hard to follow this path but I think we have a responsibility to ourselves to do so. It is through this creative expression that we find ourselves and can explore the many different facets of our existence. Our inner world is a vast and mysterious terrain, I hope you can take some time to explore it.